威尼斯协奏曲——住进电影里的法式别墅— ——by bantiaoyu 01
在法式风格里水晶吊灯是 凸显空间档次的重点 繁复的吊灯设计与简约的空间设计 正好形成了简奢的唯美感 In French style, crystal chandeliers are the key to highlighting the level of space The complex chandelier design and minimalist space design perfectly create a simple and luxurious aesthetic sense 02
Clever design makes every object unique The low-key design style conveys the artistic value of life The low-key design style conveys the artistic value of life 03
墙面和天花板上运用石膏线,可以让整个空间更具立体感和典雅韵味,给人以高贵、优雅和舒适的感觉。在石膏线、光源和墙壁之间巧妙的结合,可以营造出独特的氛围,使整个空间更加温馨舒适,充满异国情调。 The use of gypsum lines on walls and ceilings can give the entire space a more three-dimensional and elegant charm Make the entire space more warm and comfortable, full of exotic atmosphere.